Our Work

What can businesses and communities do to help the environment?

Steps for Businesses

  • Interconenctivity - Volatility is tied to economy
  • Social Fabric results in sustainability
  • Public and private sectors as a Team
  • Invest assets resulting in sustainable solutions cardboard
  • Biodegradable, socail commitment by all medium organizations
  • Prioritize Green economy and socail commitment
  • Financial organzations aligning with ethical financial practices, as Offer more extensive, enticing services to customers for services and products in place of buying new
  • Take advantage of natural lighting, windows, geographic features to serve a function within the factory
  • Give special consideration to resource extraction processes and procurement, suppliers
  • Do business with sustainable producers and other local suppliers
  • Engage in more sustainable production processes and shipping methods
  • Give waste byproducts a second life as a new product or resource input by increasing major investments in renewables
  • Conduct research to determine how to reuse inputs that otherwise might go to a landfill
  • Find ways to use heat, gas generated by manufacturing processes/convert it to energy
  • Develop, invest in more energy efficient, time efficient machinery
  • Take advantage of green technology grants to perform sustainable development R&D

Steps for Communities

  • Turn off lights when you leave the room
  • Don’t forget to recycle!
  • Repurpose old towels and t-shirts and cut them into small cleaning cloths
  • Reuse scrap paper; print on two sides
  • Instead of using disposable bags opt for reusable bags
  • Buy an inexpensive reusable water bottle, instead of using plastic disposable bottles
  • Pay your bills online instead of via mail to save paper
  • Avoid fast fashion as much as you can
  • Use public transportation
  • Read books like Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, Food Rules, and The Backyard Homestead and be inspired
  • Plant a simple backyard garden. It’s good to remember where our food originates, and it doesn’t have to be huge or complicated
  • Drive the speed limit, and combine as many errands as you can in one trip
  • Support your local economy and shop at your farmer’s market

Shifting our lifestyle and consumer choices is one way we can help address particular problems; getting politically active with our voices and votes can also help push for more systemic, widespread change. And one of the most effective ways to help realize a more sustainable future is to also support environmental nonprofits.